About Nepal
About Nepal

About Nepal

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about nepalNepal, once a Kingdom for over 260 years is a Federal Democratic Republic since April 2008.

The country is jammed between its giant neighbors China (Tibetan Autonomous Region)  and  India” to the south.

Nepal is 147,181 square-kilometers in size, of which only half is suitable for human settlements. That makes Nepal’s living space only two times larger than the Netherlands. The Netherlands, with 16 million citizens, has the densest population in Europe with approximately 198 people per square kilometer.  The Netherlands and Nepal  sit next to each other in the United Nations Assembly and also share the same density in population.

Some Nepalese indigenous tribes are still living like nomads in the many high mountain valleys and pastures. They move around with their cattle in summer and stay put in makeshift winter quarters. Others are forest scavengers and hunter- communities. There are countless illiterate slum dwellers with many small children who are simply not registered anywhere. These Nepali speaking people with no address have no idea about where their parents or grandparents came from, or where exactly they were born.

This is Nepal's reality today: still no where close of being a modern organized society.

Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and historically recorded as a city and trade center between Tibet and India as early as 2600 years ago!

From a geological point of view Nepal is a world of its own. To the north the mighty Himalayas make for a natural weather boundary that allows an almost isolated flora and fauna. One can travel through three different climate zones within a day by jeep or truck…or with a helicopter within just three-quarters of an hour: From arctic cold down to a hot climate that reaches a noon time temperatures like the Sahara. The very rich flora and fauna of the country is arranged in rapidly changing geological zones of miraculous wonder.

The visitors can observe high pastures where yaks and mountain sheep dwell and at the very same day observe rhinos, elephants and tigers walking  through the low grass lands near the border of India.

The superlatives do not end here. Topped by the 8,848 meter of Mt. Everest, seven out of the highest mountains on our planet are found here.

This giant mountain range extends from the far western corner to the far eastern corner of Nepal like a huge panorama picture.

Forty percent of Nepal reaches up to an altitude of 3,000 meters but is not at all covered with snow like the Alps in Europe. The upper tree boundary in Nepal is at an altitude that varies between  4,000 and 4,500 meters and is mostly covered with huge evergreen pine forests. The lowest lands are the southern Terai plains at only 70 meters above sea level.

It is the fertile middle of Nepal that attracts the foreign trekkers; here one can trek into the mild Mediterranean climate of the hilly region with orange groves and sweet smelling fields of ripening rice.

From there one enters the trekking paths into the beautiful subtropical foothill forests that lead around the Annapurna range, crossing the Thorung La pass of 5,462 meters high, to have a peek into the dry and bare Tibetan Plateau, that starts right behind it.

There are also plenty of cultural sides all over Nepal for the visiting tourists and pilgrims alike.  One finds Hindu temples,   Buddhist shrines and monasteries that often are over 2,000 years old. And there is Lumbini, the recently confirmed genuine birth place of Gautam the Buddha.

On can visit ancient palaces of long-vanished small kingdoms and principalities that date before the King of Gorkha Phritivi Narayan Shah conquered Kathmandu valley 240 years ago to create the boundaries of today's Nepal. The entire country is a world heritage site!


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Search and Rescue Dog Handlers Academy of Nepal. Not For Profit that trains young Nepalese to search for missing people.


Gharepatan 17,  Pokhara Nepal

E-mail: sardogsnepal@sardogsnepal.asia

Mobile No: +977 9856025679, +977 9816635127


Hits since July 2002

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