Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Preparedness

Invitation to volunteer

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          We are open for volunteer teachers and experts who's professional skills can benefit our program

First of all there is a hard core of experienced Nepalese SAR Dog handlers available at our Academy who have followed and conducted training with dogs since almost two decades. They also have performed dozens of search and rescue parties into the dense forests and up to the high altitude trekking passes that are open to foreign and local hikers.

Local experience about the environmental conditions, the physical landscape conditions and the climate in Nepal is an enormous advance when missing people have to be found in remote areas. This can not be equaled by any SAR worker from abroad if he or she does not come from an other country whit alpine landscape features.

Even then...Mountain Ranges in subtropical and tropical regions have many other aspects to consider than for example the mountains in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Snow and Ice is very much linked to climate. Either cold and static or extremely unpredictable and unstable. So are rocks and foothills of our mountain regions. The Himalayas are on the move and every rain season changes way patterns, river bedding's and landmarks.
Above all of this the danger of sudden earthquakes is permanently looming large in Nepal. Our Government Department of Mines and Geology counts over 100 smaller earthquakes all over Nepal annually. Large ones are expected and long time overdue.

Against this background our Nepalese realize that there is not very much knowledge here about Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Relief technology and Disaster Response Education. Foreign· and hopefully local experts in these fields are therefore necessary to help our country with· the design of a sound and adequate Disaster Response and mitigation program.

It is common knowledge that the most effective Organizations for Disaster preparedness are· private NGO's and local Disaster Relief Organizations such as Red Cross· & Red Crescent, numerous Religious Institutions and· Citizens Societies who take care of their own citizens in times of any calamity. Du to ineffectiveness of Government in developing countries their citizens· could never socialize or organize any of these. Lack of knowledge and deep rooted poverty keeps everyone fending for himself and his nearest kin. Nepal has not been an exception. Yet the Time has come . More and more of our citizens mobilize themselves and are willing to take up their responsibilities.

Fruitful exchange of knowledge benefits both sides. The foreign teachers and the local communities of Nepal who have a deep wisdom about living with simple available means that are long lost in high technology dependent countries.Teaching their skills can be very rewarding for the teachers themselves.

If anyone is interested to do so at our academy then please feel free to contact us for working out terms and conditions suitable for both sides.
Generally we provide room and board, share our meals with our volunteers for free but with prices for essentials rising and a high inflation we may ask a minimum and affordable donation beforehand for food and travel expenses between our Academy in remote Lamjung and Pokhara city.


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Search and Rescue Dog Handlers Academy of Nepal. Not For Profit that trains young Nepalese to search for missing people.


Gharepatan 17,  Pokhara Nepal

E-mail: sardogsnepal@sardogsnepal.asia

Mobile No: +977 9856025679, +977 9816635127


Hits since July 2002

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true mountain   Salzburger Lawinen- und Vermisstensuchhundestaffel
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